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Online Appointment Booking – A Click Away

Convenience for clients, convenience for providers 

Are you a primary care practitioner who has been thinking about bringing online appointment booking to your practice? As demands on primary care continue to increase, automating appointment booking, patient reminders, and secure messaging can help you save valuable administrative time to reinvest in your patients and yourself. There is increasing momentum around online appointment booking in primary care within Ontario, and support with implementation is available through the Ottawa Health Team - Équipe Santé Ottawa. 

Between September 2022 and March 2023, the OHT-ÉSO has been able to support 16 primary care providers across 5 clinics to bring online appointment booking to their patients. Providers reported overwhelming satisfaction with the program in their clinics, with the majority indicating that they would recommend implementing online booking to their peers. 78% of patients also reported that they felt online booking was preferable to having to call to book an appointment, and that online booking helped them find a time that worked for their schedules and remember their appointments.

“Overall, online booking has been well received...many of our seniors have even embraced online booking.”

  - Primary Care       Practitioner

Senior Businessman

“Very user friendly with respect to implementation in the office”  - Primary Care Practitioner

If you are thinking of implementing online booking in your practice and interested in learning more about what supports are available, please contact Ernest Ling at 

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