Patient & Provider Online Appointment Booking Experience Survey
What Patients and Providers Are Saying About Online Appointment Booking
Exciting news for patients and healthcare providers! According to a recent survey, online booking has yielded high satisfaction for patients and providers. As a result, clinics are encouraged to bring online appointment booking to the forefront of their practice.
The Ministry of Health has launched an initiative to expand digital health and virtual healthcare services. The initiative aims to improve patient access to online appointment booking and involves collaboration between Ontario Health, Ontario Health Teams, patients, Primary Care Providers, and medical office assistants. Patients can now easily schedule appointments that align with their schedule, reducing administrative tasks for providers and assistants while increasing patient engagement and appointment availability.
Between April 1, 2023, and November 30, 2023, OHT-ÉSO conducted a survey to collect feedback on the online appointment booking system. One hundred seventy-three respondents participated in the survey, and the results were overwhelmingly positive.
If you are interested in implementing online booking in your practice and want to learn more about the available support, please contact Ernest Ling at