Pre-empting Alternate Level of Care Stays:
Next Steps for ‘Home First’
Home First is a philosophy that prioritizes returning home following a hospital stay wherever possible by leveraging all possible resources to support clients in successfully making and sustaining this transition. Through discussions with the partners that make up our Home First working group, more effective utilization of community support services in hospital discharge planning has been identified as an opportunity to avoid lengthy hospital stays for clients.
Home First partners include:
The Ottawa Hospital
The Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County
Home and Community Care Support Services
SE Health
Ottawa West Community Support
Client Partners
With support from the Champlain Community Support Services Network
In order to support hospital providers in increasing their familiarity and knowledge of community support services that could contribute to discharge planning, a “Community Support Services Advisor” position has been developed to provide support, education and coaching in this area within the emergency department setting. Integrating a CSS Advisor position within the hospital discharge team aims to strengthen the bridge between hospital and community care, enhance the coordinated approach to care and increase collaboration between hospital and community partners. The intent is to build confidence in sending patients with risks home faster, knowing they are tied to a more expansive collaborative network.
Next steps will include beginning the recruitment process for the Community Support Services Advisor role and developing evaluation and communication plans to support implementation.
For more information on this initiative, please contact Shaina Smith at